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Recipes and Cuisines of European Countries

There are some lists of collections of recipes and cuisines from the countries of Europe.


Sour soup with meatballs (Ciorba de perisoare)

Mix well by hand:

2.5 lb ground pork (or ground pork and ground beef mix)
1 onion finely chopped
½ cup cooked rice
1 egg
finely chopped fresh dill and parsley to your taste
salt and pepper.

Make meatballs ca. 1 inch in diameter, roll them in flour, and set them aside. Fill about half of a 4 quart stock pot with cold water. Add to the water the following vegetables:

2 carrots shredded
1 parsley root
¼ celery root
1 onion or a few green onions
a handful of leustean (lovage) herb, bruised (reserve for later)

When the vegetables are softened, add 1 cup of rice. After the rice is cooked, add the meatballs one by one. Let the meatballs cook through then add 1 chopped tomato, 1 chopped green pepper, parsley, and celery leaves.

Sour with fresh lemon juice to taste - start with the juice of one lemon (or brine from sauerkraut or a mixture of both). Add lovage herb. Simmer for 5 minutes.

These soups are meant to be reheated and taste better with age.

The sour soups are traditionally soured with bors, a liquid made out of wheat bran mixed with water and left to ferment. They are sometimes soured with sauerkraut juice. The soups may be traditionally thickened with a mixture of sour cream and/or egg yolks.

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