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Recipes and Cuisines of European Countries

There are some lists of collections of recipes and cuisines from the countries of Europe.


Chunky sausage soup

4 servings

Ingredients :

6 thick pork sausages
1 onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
400g tin mixed beans drained and rinsed
400g tin of chopped tomatoes
1 packet of Schwartz sausage casserole recipe mix (or equivalent)
1 tbsp Schwartz parsley
Sea salt and black pepper

Procedures :

1. Grill the sausages for 10 minutes, turning occasionally. Meanwhile, heat the oil and fry the onion for a few minutes until softened

2. Add the beans and tomatoes. Chop the sausages into bite-sized chunks and add to the pan. Make up the casserole according to the packet instructions. Add to the saucepan

3. Add 450 ml boiling water to the pan, season and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve garnished with parsley.

4. Serve with chunks of brown bread

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