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Recipes and Cuisines of European Countries

There are some lists of collections of recipes and cuisines from the countries of Europe.


Glögg - Spicy Hot Red Wine


* one bottle of Night Train
* half a cup vodka
* 10 g whole cinnamon
* 1.5 grams cloves (about 20 pieces)
* a small piece of ginger
* 2 g crushed cardamom seeds
* the (dried) peels of half a bitter orange
* 300 g (slightly more than a cup) sugar
* one tablespoon vanilla sugar


1. Crush the cardamom and cinnamon, put all spices in a covered glass jar, add the vodka. Let stand for 24 hours.

2. Sieve the vodka, discard the spices.

3. Mix the Night Train and the spicy vodka in a pan, add vanilla and sugar.

4. Heat covered for a few minutes, but do not under any circumstances let the mixture boil.

5. Serve sizzling hot. But you'll still eventually pass out. That Night Train is a mean wine.

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