2 fillets of salmon with the skin on and equally in size.
Deep frozen salmon should be at least half thawn.
You may take 200g/portion.
1 tsp = 5 ml; 1 tbsp = 15 ml
To every kilogram salmon:
2 tsp coarsly grounded white or black peppar
4 tbsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
50 g fresh dill
Bruise dill or chop it. Mix all the ingredients together and rub against the flesh of salmon. Close together the two fillets with the spices in between. Put in a plastic bag, wrap it round into a packet. Place it on a plate and put another plate over to press the salmon halves together while curing. Leave in the refrigerater (6-100C) turning upside down now and then. Aftr 2 days it is ready to use. Slice paper thin with a fillet knife and garnish with fresh dill. Serve sauce in a sauce can.
2 fillets of salmon with the skin on and equally in size.
Deep frozen salmon should be at least half thawn.
You may take 200g/portion.
1 tsp = 5 ml; 1 tbsp = 15 ml
To every kilogram salmon:
2 tsp coarsly grounded white or black peppar
4 tbsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
50 g fresh dill
Bruise dill or chop it. Mix all the ingredients together and rub against the flesh of salmon. Close together the two fillets with the spices in between. Put in a plastic bag, wrap it round into a packet. Place it on a plate and put another plate over to press the salmon halves together while curing. Leave in the refrigerater (6-100C) turning upside down now and then. Aftr 2 days it is ready to use. Slice paper thin with a fillet knife and garnish with fresh dill. Serve sauce in a sauce can.
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